Roof Replacement Options

Bundle Options

If you don't have solar yet , and your roof is in need of repair, Now is a great opportunity to bundle a new roof and a new solar system together for greater savings. Most home owners with good sun exposure get them both at no cost.

Online consultation, social distancing guidelines in place.

Do you need a new roof but don’t have the budget for it?
Are your energy bills expensive?

If you qualify by getting enough sunlight, we will install your solar system at no cost to you. We will also replace your roof with a 50 year architectural shingle or remove trees that shade the house at little or no cost to you. (Case by case)

We Build it.

Finished Roof Solar Installation
Aged deteriorated shingles

Aged Deteriorated Shingles

Storm Damage roof image

Storm Damage

Worn Shingles Removal


Hail Damage